Heritage science teacher & senior class sponsor Lauren Hopper with Ezra Ely & Audrey Hancock, classes worked together to design doors for prom week. Each class & class sponsors were challenged to make the best designed door for our prom week festivities. N-G HS Confidential 4/23
Volleyball Senior Night and Final Home Game for Trinity & Anna tonight at Heritage HS in Broadlands vs Hoopeston, 6PM Varsity Match. There will be a small Red Zone for students (but must have ticket from Mr. White for entry distributed at school this morning).
Heritage HS - News Gazette High School Confidential April 16, 2021
The FFA team provided Hickory River lunches to students, faculty, and sponsors Friday. Usually, they are able to host a banquet to celebrate and thank everyone who made their accomplishments possible. Due to COVID-19, year, however, they held a virtual event on Heritage’s Facebook page. Pictured, back row, left to right: Jack Benschneider, Ryan Cheatham, Cory Stewart and Konner Pearman; front row, left to right: Torie Rothermel, Paige George, Bri Struck, Malani Smithenry and Anna Sanders.
— Anna Sanders
Heritage COVID case Notification Letter April 12, 2021
Heritage Schools
APR 12, 2021
Monday April 12, 2021
To the Parents, Guardians, Stakeholders of Heritage Schools:
The Heritage District was informed by county public health that one or more students at Heritage Junior High & Elementary School in Homer and Heritage High School in Broadlands tested positive for COVID-19.
Contact tracing is being completed by Champaign Urbana Public Health District personnel and Heritage district is assisting in the process along with any neighboring counties and public health districts where students reside in the Heritage District as necessary.
Students in quarantine will learn remotely and the district will follow CUPHD guidelines for a return to in-person learning as detemined by CUPHD. CUPHD and CDC guidelines and quarantine timelines are being followed with all individuals identified.
Individuals determined to be a close contact are also being informed by Heritage Schools and will be given guidance and the prescribed timeline for safe return to school.
We are informing our public through this letter posted on our school web site, www.heritage8.org, through our new phone app by Apptegy, and through our social media platforms Twitter and Facebook.
Grades K-12 will continue in-person learning as scheduled.
The district was instructed not to breach the privacy any individuals and we will abide by the public health directive.
Tom Davis, Heritage #8 Superintendent
Heritage HS FFA officers spent last week recording the annual banquet. Students in Ag classes designed the layout, wrote the script and prepared of the awards to give out. Due to COVID-19, the banquet ceremony will be virtual on the school’s Facebook page
— Anna Sanders
On April 22nd, The Kona Ice truck will be visiting Heritage High School during Student Council's Prom Week Carnival from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Students will be able to purchase shaved ice in a variety of different flavors!
Heritage Post Prom Flyer!
Reminder that Wednesday March 31 is regular 8am-12pm COVID schedule in-person school day (141st instructional day in a row). Wednesday afternoon is a Remote Planning afternoon for teachers/staff for ROE compliance trainings. Heritage Spring Break April 1-5, return Tuesday April 6
Heritage CUSD #8 will host a school board election candidate forum March 31, 2021 Homer Band Room 7PM. In-person & Zoom stream participation will be available. In-person limited to room capacity & will follow school social distance & mask guidance. Election Day April 6, 2021
Topic: Heritage CUSD #8 Candidate Forum
Time: Mar 31, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://bit.ly/3dkL0Iy
Meeting ID: 754 0842 5823
Passcode: 715Ed
You can submit questions in-person, virtually (Zoom code Monday), by e-mail (schoolboard@heritage8.org) or by phone to Superintendent Davis (217-896-2421 ext 135)
Heritage High School in News-Gazette HS Confidential today
Horticulture class potted plants last week and will take care of them until they are ready for the annual plant sale.— Anna Sanders
Heritage school board election candidate forum March 31 Homer Band Room 7PM. In-person or Zoom virtually. You can submit questions in-person, virtually (Zoom code Monday), by e-mail (schoolboard@heritage8.org) or by phone to Superintendent Davis (217-896-2421 ext 135)
Heritage K-12 will have Remote Planning afternoons to complete teacher/staff required trainings for ROE compliance on Wednesday March 24th & 31st. The school day will be our normal COVID schedule 8am-12pm on those days. Heritage Spring Break with No School is April 1st-5th.
Great pictures, thank you News-Gazette, for Friday Night IHSA HS Football's return, thank you to the Orwick's who make the field look awesome! VGH Blue Devils Football takes on CG-B Broncos tomorrow night 7pm at Villa Grove & it's Senior Night, ceremony 6:40pm
Heritage CUSD #8 will host a school board election candidate forum March 31, 2021 Homer Band Room 7PM. In-person & Zoom stream participation will be available. In-person limited to room capacity & will follow school social distance & mask guidance. Election Day April 6, 2021
Spring Pictures will be taken by Inter-State Studios Friday, March 19th for K-8 students. Only students who have had pictures prepaid will be taken. To order online visit: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry & enter your order code: Elementary code: 58095N JH code: 58095R.
IAR Testing Grades 3-8, HS ISA Testing March 2021
Heritage Schools
MAR 12, 2021
Last week, the Federal Government and the new US Secretary of Education ordered US schools to give state assessments after the majority of states requested this to be postponed until '21-22 school year. Illinois had requested a waiver from testing for Spring 2021 since 50% or more of Illinois K-12 students remain in remote learning only. That waiver request has been denied.
Heritage is prepared after hard work this week to begin testing as the test windows open as ordered by ISBE. Next week we will start with Junior High IAR testing, while HS ISA will begin the week after. Elementary IAR will start after JH IAR is completed, along with Grades 5-8 ISA.
IAR testing is all electronic, so no materials are required from home.
HS PSAT/SAT will take place in April on state assigned date.
DLM will also begin in the assigned window.
Further updates to follow as testing begins as ISBE updates have been frequent.
1 year ago today, Illinois K-12 Schools were ordered closed. 1 year later, Heritage #8 has completed 128 days of in-person learning with one snow day stopping our days in-session streak. On this significant day, we thank our families, parents, students, teachers, and staff!
Thank you to the News-Gazette Sports Faces of Spring 2021, happy for these athletes to be able to play, volleyball and football! Anna & Trinity for Heritage Volleyball and Carson & Ezra for VGH Football, games start next week!
Heritage 8th Grade JH Volleyball IESA Regionals will be played on Friday, March 12th at home 4:00 PM against Shiloh. GOOD LUCK GIRLS!
Unfortunately IESA will not allow spectators for the tournament, but we will have stream available for the game Friday.
Heritage Schools K-12 Parent-Teacher Conference Week for 3rd Quarter takes place Monday, March 8th to Thursday, March 11th. Call the school main office or contact your child's teacher for scheduling.
Reminder No School Friday, March 12th